Pronoun Case and Agreement Quiz

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Pronoun case and agreement are essential qualities of effective writing. Errors in pronoun case and agreement can lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the intended message. Therefore, it is essential to understand how to use pronouns correctly in a sentence.

To test your knowledge of pronoun case and agreement, take this pronoun case and agreement quiz below.

1. ________ going to the concert with you?

a) Whose

b) Who`s

2. My sister and _______ went to the store.

a) me

b) I

3. The children ________ playing in the park.

a) is

b) are

4. Neither of the girls _______ going to the party.

a) is

b) are

5. Each of the boys _______ a book.

a) have

b) has

6. The teacher gave ________ a good grade.

a) him and me

b) he and I

7. The group of students ________ studying for their test.

a) is

b) are

8. Neither the cat nor the dogs ________ outside.

a) is

b) are

9. Everyone knows ________ is the best.

a) their team

b) his or her team

10. _______ should I ask for help?

a) Who

b) Whom


1. b) Who`s

2. b) I

3. b) are

4. a) is

5. b) has

6. b) he and I

7. b) are

8. b) are

9. b) his or her team

10. a) Who

How did you do? If you got all the answers right, congratulations! You have a good understanding of pronoun case and agreement. However, if you answered any of the questions incorrectly, don`t worry. You can review the rules of pronoun case and agreement below.

Pronoun case refers to the form the pronoun takes in a sentence, depending on how it is being used. There are three cases of pronouns: subjective, objective, and possessive. The subjective case is used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. The objective case is used when the pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition. And the possessive case is used to show possession, ownership, or relationship.

Pronoun agreement refers to ensuring that the pronouns used in a sentence match the noun or pronoun to which they refer in number, person, and gender. If the antecedent is singular, the pronoun should be singular. If the antecedent is plural, the pronoun should be plural.

In conclusion, proper use of pronoun case and agreement is essential to effective writing. By taking the quiz and reviewing the rules, you can improve your writing skills and ensure that your message is communicated clearly and effectively.

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